A quick talk about Dev Ops
Pokemon Go on Google Cloud
~ by @anna ~
about me
- Co-organiser of @WiT_Notts
- I’m a .NET software engineer and interested in DevOps
- I read a book
- Work at Imosphere /i-mo-sphere/
about this talk
- I thought something was cool
- So now I’m talking about it
This is the book I read:
Pokémon Go launched
Australia and New Zealand
Where it proved to be quite the hit
Ready to Launch in America…
… and hit ten times the worst-case estimate….
A picture worth a thousand words
Bugs were being found in the game
With a million new players signing up all the time
Google Cluster Engine - Kubernetes big brother
But that wasn’t big enough
Then to keep things interesting…
Upgraded Network Load Balance
new features included far more control, faster connections to users and higher throughput overall